Can You Cancel A Domain Name?

Can You Cancel A Domain Name?

You were pumped to start your own online business journey and rushed towards getting a domain name.

But, unfortunately you realized that you’re not in a position of giving time to the business OR you’ve found a better domain name.

Whichever the case is let’s find out:

“Can you cancel a domain name after purchasing it?”

Can You Cancel A Domain Name

First let’s talk about what we really mean when we say “can you cancel a domain name?”.

Is it REFUND or just a normal cancelation so the next year anyone can register on your own domain?

Let’s talk about both:

·         Can I Get A Refund On A Domain Name?

Most domain name providers actually allow you to get a refund in the first few days of purchase.

For example, Namecheap allows you to cancel and get a refund in the first 3 days but with a valid reason.

Other companies might give you up to 5 days without you telling them the reason.

You might also need to show your identity and ownership before you cancel and get a refund.

For GoDaddy, they have a dedicated refund page that you might have to read to understand their terms and conditions. Policies might be different for each country so we recommend you search this on Google “refund policy godaddy” if you’re a customer of them.

·         Only Cancellation

Cancellation of a domain name simply means that you’re no longer eligible to retain that domain from the next year.

You don’t own that domain which means anyone can purchase your domain name from the registry and create a website of their own.

Get It Correct The Very First Time

It’s always a better choice that you select a domain name after utmost research.

We recommend that you have a piece of paper and pen and brainstorm multiple ideas.

Make sure you have about 20+ ideas because most of the time you might not get what you were aiming for because most of the brand names are taken especially in 2021.

After you’ve brainstormed ideas run them through the domain search websites and see which ones are available.

Circle them on your sheet of paper.

Now you’ve shortlisted the domain names. Select the one that you liked the most and is brandable enough for future use.

Trouble Having Cancelling Or Refunding?

If you’re having trouble in cancelling or refunding for your domain name, access the live support of the website or contact them via email.

Most of these domain hosting website have a live chat option and you can also call them to fix your refunding issue or cancelling the domain name.

Final Thought

Can you cancel a domain name and get a refund? Absolutely, you can. But, act fast because after a few days mostly 72 hours you can’t get a refund. Though, you can cancel the domain registration after that time period so anyone else is eligible to get that domain after a full whole year.

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