Are Instagram Promotions Worth It?

Are Instagram Promotions Worth It?

Instagram is one of those few social media platforms which focus more on media (like images and videos) than any other feature on their website.

The amount of users are increasing every year on each of the major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and the same goes for Instagram too.

In this post, we’ll look deeply if Instagram ads are actually worth it or if it’s just hype made by marketers.

Are Instagram Promotions Worth It?

To answer this question let’s compare Instagram with other major social media platforms and see which gain more engagement than the rest:

  • Instagram – Averages at 3%
  • Facebook – Averages at 0.19%
  • Twitter – 0.06%
  • LinkedIn – 0.054%

Now you can see Instagram stands really good when it comes to the engagement rate comparing to the other platforms.

That’s the reason marketers prefer influencer marketing more on Instagram than any other social media platform out there.

Though, YouTube is an exception here because when it comes to influencer marketing nothing can beat the convincing power a video packs in itself.

Which Niches To Go After?

Instagram works best with certain niches so make sure you’re promoting on Instagram when you’ve already verified your niche on Instagram that it’ll work when you actually promote it.

Stay away from Instagram promotion if you’re in any of these categories:

  • Digital marketing
  • Content writing
  • Web design / development

As long as you’re not in these businesses your promotion on Instagram will work fine most of the time.

Visual niches tend to work well with Instagram especially with paid advertising.

Is $1 A Day On Instagram Good?

Usually, all the marketers confirm that $5 a day is the smallest you need to go after in order to actually see if your efforts are working.

However, this limit is not set by the Instagram officially so you don’t have to worry about it.

You can run $1 per day ads on Instagram and they’ll work well. In fact, it’s recommended when you’re running quite a lot of ads for A/B testing than obviously you can’t set a budget of $5 per day.

If you’ve already tested the ads on Instagram previously and it’s working for you than in that case running ads $5 per day is a great idea to execute.

Trial And Error

Many a times you’ll notice all that hype you were told about Instagram marketing is not working for you no matter what you do.

In that case, you need to be a little patient and focus more on A/B testing for your Instagram efforts to work.

Work with single variable at a time to test your campaigns better and if possible run 10 ads at a time for better measurements.


Are Instagram promotions worth it? Absolutely, they’re definitely worth it. Mainly because the ROI on engagement rate is far much superior than the rest of the social media platforms.

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