SaaS Website Best Practices [4 Tips]

SaaS Website Best Practices

The business of SaaS is on peak. Most of the people don’t want to install software on their computer and prefer using it via browser.

Although, that might sound the next generation thing but in reality it’s not.

SaaS based softwares are not something new but it’s in the recent years that they have gained much momentum.

They Focus Maximizing The Conversions

SaaS model is all about letting people subscribe to your software. Since, the first few users are required to breakeven the investment. And the rest of the investment is based on hosting the software and the APIs that run the software.

That’s why it’s really important for the SaaS website to focus more on the copywriting and highlighting features that you might have missed.

Moreover, it’s a very good idea to create YouTube videos and embed them on your website too explaining your software. This way you’ll not only get views on your videos via YouTube but, you’ll get a chance to better explain your software via video medium.

They Rely On Live Chat Agent

Live chat agent is necessary to provide better experience to your potential customers if in case they need any assistance or having some confusion about your product that they need to clarify right then and there.

People don’t want to wait and hesitate contacting via email as it can take long for them to get answered.

Make Things Simple

Make your website look minimalistic. Less is more. Believe in that and you’ll see your conversions go up.

Make the most out of your few key things that actually make your software so great and incomparable.

Don’t distract the users by telling so much that they don’t even have to know about. Dedicate a separate page for them. But for the main pages like homepage or pricing keep things simple.

They Provide Social Proof Via Plugin

There are few SaaS websites that install a plugin that usually appear at the bottom left corner of the website showing who just bough there software.

This way people trust more and because of the hype you might end of converting more people.

The plugin shows the true conversion in real-time if you really get enough customers otherwise it’ll show the previous real ones even they have purchased your software long time ago.

They reduce prices automatically right before the user is about to leave a site

Some SaaS websites really do a great job and reduce the prices for a limited time let’s say for 1 hour.

This strategy is also known as FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) that actually works quite well.

When this strategy is combined with reduced prices that really works well.

Wrapping It Up

These are some of the SaaS website best practices that you need to keep in mind while making the website yourself (if you’re a developer) or hiring web developers from online or offline marketplaces.

These tips might seem so basic but they can offer great value overtime.

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